This is our last newsletter of the year!! And what a year it's been...!
I hope that this month for you will be an appropriate completion of 2023 and an opportunity to continue and/or set up healthy practices for the New Year. Hint: Don't wait until January to pick up healthy habits, start small and start now. In this newsletter we are talking about: 4 Ways to Take Care of Yourself this Holiday Season, December at the Studio and Ways to Work Together in 2024.
Have a wonderful, wonderful month. I hope the holiday's come with peace and calm (or at least a little bit). Thank you for being here and see on the mat, the interweb or elsewhere soon!
xx Catherine
Your Newsletter Practice: 4 Ways to Take Care of Yourself this Month
Give yourself some slack but stick to 80% of your routine. Meaning, when parties/travel/family gets in the way of your regular eating and movement practice, give yourself space to flex your routine but don't let it go completely. I like the 80% rule. Do your routine to 80%. For example, if you normally workout 5 days a week but are short on time, make it 80% of the time, so 4 days. And the key is, don't stress on the days you don't make it!
Prioritize Sleep. Put the phone in a different room, stop mindless scrolling. When plans keep you out late, don't miss out on precious sleep time by scrolling before bed! Try setting an alarm to remind you to put your phone away for the evening.
If you're imbibing, drink 1 glass of water for every glass of wine/cocktail/etc you have. This will help reduce mindless drinking and keep you hydrated.
When it comes to your movement practice, listen to your body but don't skip your workout! Meaning, if you're traveling and feel sluggish, it's 100% OK to swap a planned high intensity workout for something low impact. Just don't skip moving your body entirely. Getting up and moving your body will put you in a calm state of mind as you move from day to day so don't skip it, move in a ways that work for you as you move thru the month.
Our digital library has dozens of great options to move anytime/anywhere. All thru the month I'll be sending out Monday - Friday workout programming so you have a movement practice there for you to easily access.
Things Happening Around the Studio
We're in the studio for The Danaher Method group classes on Wednesdays & Saturdays. We'll close Dec 24 - Jan 2nd. 2024 classes will commence on Jan 3rd.
December Class Schedule:
Wednesday's 6:30pm | TDM Roll & Release
Saturday's 10:00am | TDM Pilates & HIIT
Wednesday classes are TDM Roll & Release - one hour of guided self-myofascial release! This is new for this month at this time.
Saturday classes are TDM Pilates & HIIT (our our regular class format) which combines Mobility, Pilates, Strength Training, Cathartic Release and Nervous- System Regulation.
Work with The Danaher Method 2024
If you're interested in elevating your movement practice, building a deeper understanding of your body and finding a balanced, holistic way of moving then let's chat.
I'm also building out Corporate Wellness programing & planning private classes for 2024 if you & your organization are looking for ways to bring wellness into the workplace.
